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Music School Terms and Conditions

By Joining Waltham Forest Music School You Agree to the Following Terms and Conditions:

  1. 1.

    All terms are 10 weeks long and dates will be published at

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    A 25% non-refundable deposit payment must be made online by the given date the previous term to secure the teaching slot. The remaining balance must be settled by the start of the new term when lessons commence.

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    Subsidised fees are available for families on a low income who qualify for school Pupil Premium grants. To receive the Music School fee subsidy for the next academic year please email evidence of your eligibility for Pupil Premium such as copies of your Universal Credit Statement showing housing benefit or reduced Council Tax to the Music Service office. Note that evidence must be submitted for each academic year, and that the Council Tax single occupancy 25% discount and Universal Free School Meals doesn't apply.

  4. 4.

    If fees remain unpaid my child will not be eligible to participate in WFMS services including, but not limited to, events and exam entry.

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    If I wish to cancel lessons, this must be done in writing before the 25% deposit deadline.

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    If the teacher misses the lesson, he/she will attempt to make it up at the end of term and if this is not possible I will receive a credit/refund for that lesson. If a teacher is unwell and/or unable to teach, we will seek to find a cover teacher to ensure continuity of lessons. We will do our best to inform parents of any cover arrangements.

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    If a WFMS tutor is unable to deliver a planned session within the ten week term, then this lesson will be rescheduled in the make-up week at the end of the Music School term. Students will be expected to be available to attend lessons this week and refunds will not be possible due to student absence. 

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    If a WFMS tutor is unable to deliver make up lessons during the make up week, a credit or refund will be given.

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    If my child misses a lesson for any reason, fees will not be refunded as the teacher will still be here and the lesson will not be made up. 

  10. 10.

    If Music School is cancelled due to unavoidable circumstances such as severe weather, lesson fees will not be refunded and lessons will not be made up.

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    The service will not administer any medication but will pass information to medical personnel.

  12. 12.

    The information provided on this form will be stored in a secure database that is hosted by a third party on our behalf until your child is 18 years of age, unless requested otherwise. This information is used to administer and contact you about the services you have signed up for. If you wish to have your/your child's data removed before your child is 18 please contact us to request this.

  13. 13.

    WFMS is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers and so may use the information provided on this form within the council for the prevention and detection of fraud.  

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    WFMS may share this information with other bodies administering public funds for this purpose.  

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    WFMS is required to provide aggregated information to funding organisations such as Arts Council England. Such statistics are used to monitor the effectiveness of WFMS. It is not possible to identify individual children from this information.

Date last reviewed: 31 January 2024

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