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Suitable for age 8 to 12

Holiday course

25-26 October 2024

See booking page

Willowbrook Primary, Leyton E10 7BH

A creative music ensemble course

Fabulous and fun 2 day music course for anyone who plays an instrument aged 8-12

Scratchmakers is a collaborative ensemble made up of young musicians aged 8-12 from across Waltham Forest, and is suitable for players of any instrument and of any level of experience.

Led by music teachers from Waltham Forest Music Service, the ensemble will work together to create new music from scratch; to think, compose, interpret and play - come and give it a go!

How do I Join?

Soundshapers is a 2-day holiday course. To regsiter for the next course see link below:

Scratchmakers creative music group
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