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Mini Choir of Joy

Suitable for ages 5 - 7

Runs for 10 weeks during term time

Happens on Saturdays 10.30-11.30am

Free with Music School Membership

Held at Walthamstow School for Girls

A First Children's Choir for 5-7 Year Olds

At the Mini Choir of Joy children will learn lots of fun songs covering different styles including pop, folk and musical theatre. We’ll do fun warm ups, shake ourselves about and move to the beat. We’ll perform in concerts as soon as we can to share our uplifting music with others. We’re very proud that The Mini Choir of Joy featured on the BBC Radio London Christmas Day Show as part of the Borough of Culture 2019.

How do I Join?

This group is part of the Music School - please sign up for Music School Groups and Ensembles and select 'Mini Choir of Joy' as the group you'd like to join.

Little Choir of Joy Opera Performance
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