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Junior Funksters

Beginner to Grade 2

10 weeks during term time

Mondays 5.45-6.30pm

Music School Membership

Walthamstow School for Girls

A Jazz and Funk Group for Junior Players

‘Junior Funksters’ perform a mixture of upbeat funk, modern pop tunes and classic jazz standards. The group is aimed at beginners up to grade 2/3 standard. All players of brass and woodwind instruments are welcome, along with anyone who wants to jam with the rhythm section - guitarists, bass players, pianists/keyboardists and drummers! The rehearsals cover everything from learning the basic skills needed to perform in a band to beginning to learn how to improvise on your chosen instrument, so come and join the jam!

How do I Join?

This group is part of the Music School - please sign up for Music School Groups and Ensembles and select 'Junior Funksters' as the group you'd like to join.

Junior Funksters band rehearsal
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