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Welcome to the Cultural Education Partnership!

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Welcome to the CEP!

A Cultural Education Partnership (CEP) for Waltham Forest was set up in 2019 with the help of investment from A New Direction’s London Challenge Fund. This supports networks of educators and arts providers within the borough to work more closely together and help young people explore creative career pathways.

Read our evaluation reports:

Learn more about the CEP

Our Latest Evaluation Reports:

Creative Careers Toolkit: An Applied Active Learning Programme

CPD Resources

Artsmark for Waltham Forest Schools

For more information, please email the LBWF CEP Co-ordinator at

Get Involved!

Sign Up To Our Newsletter!

Receive fortnightly updates on free CPD and other exciting opportunities & resources for Waltham Forest teachers and arts practitioners. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Become a Culture Lead for your School!

We need a Culture Lead in each school to be the main contact for the partnership and to promote opportunities to colleagues. Please sign up as your school’s Culture Lead to receive regular news of CEP and London Borough of Culture activities.

Become an associated artist!

We are always seeking to develop opportunities for artists and arts organisations to work with schools and courses to build skills. To be part of a database of artists who would like to make their services available to schools sign-up here.

Our Members

NameJob TitleOrganisation
Chantelle MichauxSchools & Business Partnership Manager, WF Digital & Creative Careers Cluster and Chair of CEP Steering Group LBWF
Mary MycroftHead of Music ServiceLBWF
Sophie AlonsoCultural Learning & Skills Manager, William Morris GalleryLBWF
Gill BurbridgePrincipalLeyton Sixth Form College
Bex HandSchools Engagement ManagerThe Barbican
Shazad KhalidCommunity Engagement OfficerSoho Theatre
Morag McGuireDirector of ParticipationArtillery
Peter WhelanArts LeadWhitefield Schools & Centre
Linda LeighPost 16-17 Participation Service Manager • Education Business Effectiveness LBWF
Richard HodgkissManager for Culture and CommunityLeyton Sixth Form College
Debbie Chapman-AndrewsAssistant Headteacher Coaching and PartnershipsWillowfield
Vicki SpenceDirector of Careers and Partnerships, Research, MarketingBig Creative Academy
Sumra KhanArts LeadStoneydown Primary School
Lizzie CrumpGovernorLeyton Sixth Form
Jess DraperHead of Creative EngagementSoho Theatre
Fran GkotsiProgramme ManagerCreative Schools & Colleges
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